They Split the Party (Glintchasers Book 2)

It’s never fun being someone else’s unfinished business.

The Starbreakers were the most renowned freelancer company in Corsar, putting an end to countless threats to the kingdom in their search for fortune and glory. But seven years ago, their careers came to an abrupt and tragic end when the city of Relgen died. The kingdom that had adored them was plunged into chaos, and their names were spurned. Since then, they’ve done their best to make peace with their old lives, and even each other. But the past is not done with them yet.

Oblivion, the prison charged with holding the world’s greatest criminals and monsters, has had a breakout, and a cavalcade of menaces are now at large. Desperate to contain the situation before people suffer and the already weakened nation is broken completely, the right hand of the king of Corsar himself has called on the Starbreakers to recapture the escapees—after all, they were the ones who put most of them away in the first place.

As the Starbreakers scatter across the kingdom to face the threat, their past intertwines with the present, and old foes are not the only familiar faces they meet. This job could be the Starbreakers' chance to ensure at least one positive piece of their legacy stays intact. Or it could be exactly the opportunity their enemies have been waiting for.