Art Reveal: The Starbreakers

There is something absolutely mesmerizing about seeing characters I created visually brought to life by exceptionally talented artists. And even though I’ve done a few drawings of the Starbreakers myself, I have always, always, always hoped to see them rendered by someone else. So a while ago, as we were nearing release, and I had some extra advance money lying around, I splurged on commissioning some artwork from the phenomenal Mr. K, and I could not be happier with the results!

They’ve been posted around in a few places already, but for their official home, I present: The Starbreakers!

Right to left: Church, Brass, Phoenix, Angel, Snow

Right to left: Church, Brass, Phoenix, Angel, Snow

Anyone who’s seen the character playlists for the Starbreakers knows I’ve tried to draw them before, and that was the reference the artist was given. But my God, the way they extrapolated those cartoons into full designs is great, and full of details and choices I never even considered. The way Phoenix came out looking like an Old West gunslinger to the added detail in Church’s outfit to the added buckles in Snow’s armor…I love it.

Anyone interested in seeing more of Mr. K’s work can view their pixiv here, or contact them for commission work through their Reddit profile u/DRAWINGJJJJJJ or through email at


They Met in a Tavern: Deleted Scenes


Character Playlist: Phoenix