Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca

Outsiders 17.3

Valerie had only gone a few feet into the dark tunnel when she was seized by a twisting vertigo that stole any sense of spatial awareness she had. Suddenly, there was no up or down, forward or back. Just a stomach churning sense that she was moving fast.

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Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca

Outsiders 17.2

"You outsiders refuse to die easily," Agnizzar said as he drew an axe off his back. He let the weapon's head fall to the floor, dragging it along and leaving a groove in the earth behind him. "I am impressed. And annoyed."

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Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca

Outsiders 15.3

Arden took the first watch that evening, and Kaleb the second. List, who hated being woken up in the middle of the night, would be up last, which left Xigbar and Valerie to take the third watch together, because nobody trusted Xigbar to keep watch by himself

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Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca

Outsiders 15.1

Because he dressed in finery and spent most of his days sitting in important chairs, giving orders, and being entertained, people tended to forget that Emir Zaman was actually quite strong.

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Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca Outsiders, Serials Elijah Menchaca

Outsiders 14.1

Matilda Mayflower was not a particularly confident young woman. In fact, most people who met her got the impression that if they stared directly at her for too long, the girl would burst into tears.

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